cPanel Track Delivery

This section allows you to track the emails sent and received by the users. You can view logs of all emails sent and received in the last 30 days. To track email delivery, you may follow below steps: Login to your cPanel account. Navigate to the Email section and select […]

How to set up recovery email ID in Gsuite

A. Recovery Set up via Admin Console. Sign in to your Google Admin console. From the Admin console Home page, go to Security. Go to Overview, scroll down to Account Recovery. To apply the setting to everyone, leave the top organizational unit selected. Click User account recovery. Click Allow users […]

How to verify domain ownership with Google

Sign in using your administrator account (does not end in Step 1: Get your verification code from Google Workspace: Sign in to your Google Admin console. Click Continue to verify your domain with a TXT record. Look for your verification code in the setup tool and click Copy. Step […]

How to disable Login Challenges:

Google has very strict security and privacy policies. If as a user or an administrator you’re trying to login to a particular user account, it will prompt for OTP cause of the 2 step verification set on your account. If you want to disable the login challenge for some time, […]

Transfer Subscription from one customer to another

Go to Subscriptions, and select checkboxes near the subscriptions that you are going to reassign. Click Change Subscriber. Select a new subscriber(customer) and click Next >>. Review the information about the changes to be made to the subscription settings and click OK. Alternatively, to transfer a single subscription, click the […]

Create new customer account

To create a new customer account without a subscription: 1. Go to Customers, and click Add a Customer. 2. Specify the customer’s contact and billing information, Customer Panel account’s username and password. 3.Clear the Create subscription for the customer checkbox. 4.Click OK.

Steps to Route in Gsuite:

Step 1:1.Login to admin panel2.Go to Apps>G suite>Setting for Gmail>Advanced settings3.Go to Hosts.4.Give the name as “server”.5.Under Specify email server:a) Select single host.b) Enter server IP and port 25.c) Click on save. Step 2: Under general settings. Go to routing. Click Configure. Under Messages to affect:a) Select “inbound” and “Internal […]

Domain life cycle

What is Domain life cycle: It is necessary to know that when you register and pay for a domain, you do not actually buy it, in fact, you are actually paying for the rights for using the domain name for a particular span of time. Though, there is much flexibility […]