How to create hosting service plan in Plesk

To create a hosting service plan in Plesk, run the Service Plans > Add a Plan wizard in the Server Administration Panel.


During the plan creation process, you will be prompted to specify various plan parameters. 

If you already have service plans and want to create plans with similar settings, you can create copies of these plans by clicking Clone Plans on the Service Plans page and then edit the copies as described in this section.

Once the plan has been created, you are ready to start serving your customers. In other words, you can create customer accounts and subscriptions. 

Specify Plan Properties

When creating a plan, you are prompted to specify a number of service plan parameters. These parameters are grouped with a number of tabs:

Properties of a hosting plan and subscription are grouped as follows:

  • Resources: These are hosting resources provided with a plan. Includes validity period, policy on overusing resources, system resources like disk space and traffic, and service resources such as websites, subdomains, mailboxes, databases, and so on. For example, the Domains resource sets the number of domains that a customer can register and manage in Plesk.
  • Permissions: Includes provided services and privileges.
  • Hosting Parameters: Includes parameters of the provided hosting service.
  • PHP Settings: Includes the customizable PHP settings. The PHP settings have a great importance as they affect the work of the major part of web applications.
  • Mail: Includes parameters of the provided mail service.
  • DNS: Specifies if the DNS zones of the subscription’s domains should be master or slave.
  • Performance: Includes parameters that affect performance of all services provided with the plan.
  • Logs & Statistics: Includes settings of how statistics and logs of the plan’s subscriptions should be stored
  • Applications: Lets you select which applications should be available to subscribers.

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