What is CodeGuard?

CodeGuard provides comprehensive backup solutions to the website users. It performs regular monitoring of your website and database and notifies if any changes are detected. It also allows restoration of website and database to its previous version.90 days of backups are stored and can be easily retained.You can easily connect […]

How to restart IIS application pool for any domain?

In an IIS server, the domains are assigned to application pools, some dedicated and some shared. If the associated application pool for a domain is in stopped or disabled state, it would cause the website to show “HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.” message. Customers sometimes report their sites being […]

Viewing site statistics

When your site works fine and search engines return it in search results, it is the best time to evaluate site efficiency by viewing the visits statistics. To find out how many people visited a site, from what countries, and what pages of the site they viewed: Go to Websites & Domains and […]

Is Java/Tomcat support available?

Java and Tomcat are not available onQualiSpace’s Shared hosting. If you wish to use java/tomcat you will have to opt for Cloud or Dedicated solutions. PS. We do not provide support for java/tomcat related issue, you will have to solve it at your end.

Where are QualiSpace’s servers?

Currently, QualiSpace uses the following data center locations: New York, USA Mahape (Navi Mumbai), India Vashi (Navi Mumbai), India New shared, cloud and dedicated accounts are currently activated in Mumbai region. We have chosen our current data centers after careful investigation, as they have proven to be among the most […]

What is the Apache timeout on the shared servers?

The Apache timeout on our shared servers is set to 30 seconds. Our experience shows that this is the best setting which ensures top overall server performance and at the same time offers enough resources for the hosted websites to run flawlessly. If, however, your website requires custom Apache settings […]

How to setup Hotlink Protection in Linux

Hotlink Protection allows you to prevent other websites from directly linking to files from your website. This means that when another website is visited, it cannot load pictures, css or javascript from your pages – this is one of the ways for limiting the outbound traffic for your account. An […]

How to add MIME types?

MIME types are a way of instructing the browser, which is opening a particular file from the server, how to handle it. For example an .html file is of a text/html MIME type and this instructs your browser to interpret all of the files that use that extension as HTML […]